Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Waltz of the Wild Woods - The Last Days of Autumn

The end of autumn has descended upon the Cascade Foothills in a fury of wind and rain, and in this turbulence the trees of the wild woods dance a frantic waltz as the last leaves of fall flutter and careen upon the gale. November is a wild season in the Pacific Northwest, a time of cold and storms and buckets of rain.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Termination Dust - The End of Autumn

Termination Dust is the snow that heralds the end of Summer and the coming of winter. A white blanket descends as the temperature plummets and clouds race across the autumn sky. Ice frosts the alpine forest and silence descends as the woodland realm that so recently hummed with the intensity of summer now slumbers and waits for spring.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Nikon Z 70-200mm f2.8 VR S Review

Nikon has been working on expanding their lineup of professional grade lenses for their mirrorless Z system over the past few years, and the Nikkor Z 70-200mm f2.8 VR S is a vital component of the “Holy Trinity” of professional zoom lenses. This new 70-200 both equals its illustrious predecessors and in some respects exceeds them, with the end result being a lens that not only outshines those that came before, but also perhaps its contemporaries from other brands.

Vote for Public Lands in Election 2020

I cannot stress how important public lands are for me, and not just for the obvious reason of recreation. If I were never to visit a park again I would still take comfort and joy in the knowledge that the wild places I love are still wild and pristine. Public land is owned by us all; it is the common ground we all can share, and America would not be the same country without its parks and forests. However, all that is under threat, and the fate of our public lands may well be decided this year.